Branding History of Dove

Dove, owned by Unilever, is a personal care brand manufacturing a variety of products that are offered to men, women, and babies, although women are their primary target audience.

Initially, dove focused on advertising the distinctive quality of their soap, that it is made with 1/4 parts cream and that their soap cleans as well as nourishes your skin. The ad encourages its viewers to experiment by using dove on one half of their faces and an ordinary soap on the other.

Later they turned to showcasing thin models and beautiful models who used the Dove soap.
Then they moved on to the anti-aging effects of the soap. The ad asked the readers to go for an experiment: “put your bar of soap away and wash daily for 4 weeks with Dove”. It asked the viewers about the part of their face that aged first. 

Following this, Dove moved on to comparative advertising, they used test strips in their ads to show the moisturizing qualities of their soap and the harsh chemicals in others.

In 2004, Dove started its “Campaign for Real Beauty” which was followed by the creation of the Dove Self-Esteem Project in 2006. the campaign focused on women challenging conventional stereotypes about beauty, offering an alternative to beauty other than thin youthful models. 
Dove ads now started focusing on catering to consumers with different needs and promoted them to feel beautiful the way they are.

Dove also has a huge social media presence. Its posts are about self-confidence, self-acceptance, and celebrating who you are, it showcases and celebrates real women using images of women who do not fit the orthodox requirement of a model.

Dove is now highly emphasizing developing a brand personality and defining and broadcasting its beliefs along with the consumer's beliefs too. The brand now stands in a new light, a company focused on activating self-esteem, redefining beauty, challenging its image, and not just selling its products.


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