
Showing posts from May, 2022

Organizational Change and Learning

Due to rapid changes in the business environment and increased competition, the concept of "organizational learning" has grown in relevance during the last few decades. Firms that increase their learning capacities can gain a competitive advantage, stay inventive, and significantly boost their top and bottom-line profitability.  Organizational change and learning can be brought around by: Organizations that are willing to experiment and try out innovative approaches have a competitive advantage and are more profitable.   The learning organization embrace learning activities like unlearning, experimentation, and exploration to develop the adaptability to environmental changes. Collaboration, mutuality, and team support are established as a result of teamwork and mutuality. Organizational learning necessitates the development of desirable skills. Temporary systems, such as task forces or groups, or pilot project groups, are developed to attain speedy outcomes/decisions on a var

Health Inequalities

The NFHS-5 was performed in approximately 6.1 lakh homes in 2019-20 and collected data. The study collects data on fertility, infant and child mortality, family planning, maternal and child health, reproductive health, nutrition, anemia, and the use and quality of health and family planning services in India. This publication is a collection of fact sheets for 22 states and union territories, each with 131 indicators. Even though health inequalities have received a lot of attention, there are still significant discrepancies in health between and within countries and even among states today. People from various origins, social groupings, and countries have varying levels of health. Health inequalities are generally understood to refer to differences in health between groups of people who are socioeconomically better or worse off, as reflected, for example, by their occupational status, levels of income, expenditures, wealth, or education, or by the economic characteristics of the places

Caste based reservation policy of India

People in general fall into a variety of social groups that might be earned, such as a career, or inherited, such as gender. being a part of a group satisfies our need, as human beings, to belong and be accepted, it defines a sense of our social and self-identity. The effects of social categorization can often be apparent not just in the dynamics of social relationships, but also in how social status is represented.  The caste system establishes a hierarchy of social roles with intrinsic features that, more significantly, remain constant throughout one's lifetime. Caste has an underlying status, which has historically shifted from social roles to inherited roles. This resulted in inherited status hierarchies with limited social mobility. The caste system paved way for social evils like untouchability, discrimination, and slavery among many others. India had a strong caste-based hierarchical system in place, it still has a caste-based system but it isn't as strong as it was befo

Experiences with Role Conflict and Role Taking

The d iscipline of group dynamics i n psychology  identifies role conflicts in a group setting. Members of a group may believe that they are accountable for more than one role in this environment and that these roles are incompatible. Role conflict occurs when the demands of two or more roles are irreconcilable. Role taking is the ability of one person to assume a position, prepare for it and take the responsibility of completing and fulfilling the objectives that come with the role itself.  Being a part of a lot of group projects has been a constant now. Different roles are meant to be fulfilled in numerous groups. Each time the role that is to be fulfilled is discrete. the role is affected by the member of the group as each member brings different skills to the table and has different capabilities. Sometimes the situation can also differ and affect the participation of the members in doing the project. All this forces the members to assume roles that can be fulfilled by them. There a

Social Groups in our own lives

Social groups are aggregates of individuals sharing beliefs and values and having a shared sense of unity. They   meet basic, personal needs for each of us, and affect our personalities, which is why we take them so seriously, and why we get so emotional about them. We are part of a huge number of social groups, interacting with multiple groups at a time and entering and leaving one or another group constantly. We are born into our families, we learn from them, we learn to adapt to each other, and adjust to each other, our families play a very significant role in making us 'us'. And just like our families, we have our friends. From learning from the mistakes that were made together to standing up for each other, we are affected by them just as much as they are affected by us.  Religion also plays a big part here, whether someone is religious or not, it still affects a person's life, one's beliefs, and values. Religious groups bestow people with hope and a sense of belon

Organizational Culture

  An organization, a group of people, all share similar values, and beliefs, think along the same lines, and share certain goals and expectations  acquired by human beings through education and socialization in the society .  In the business arena, over time organizations develop  organizational  cultures which are strong and are based on a broad array of beliefs of its members. T his forms a culture, which is based on  shared attitudes, beliefs, customs, and spoken and unspoken rules that develop over time. It gives way for the organizations to have norms, visions, systems, habits, and values as a whole. This culture also influences its members in many ways as they  define and set ways to behave and act. It develops an indirect way of control and gives its members a sense of belonging and identification. Organizational culture can be affected by its leaders, communication carried out between employees as well as the leaders, how the hierarchy is practiced and how tasks are distributed

Branding History of Dove

Dove, owned by Unilever, is a personal care brand manufacturing a variety of products that are offered to men, women, and babies, although women are their primary target audience. Initially, dove focused on advertising the distinctive quality of their soap, that it is made with 1/4 parts cream and that their soap cleans as well as nourishes your skin. The ad encourages its viewers to experiment by using dove on one half of their faces and an ordinary soap on the other. Later they turned to showcasing thin models and beautiful models who used the Dove soap. Then they moved on to the anti-aging effects of the soap.  The ad asked the readers to go for an experiment: “put your bar of soap away and wash daily for 4 weeks with Dove”. It asked the viewers about the part of their face that aged first.   Following this, Dove moved on to comparative advertising, they used test strips in their ads to show the moisturizing qualities of their soap and the harsh chemicals in others. In 2004, Dove st

Socio-psychology and Consumer Behaviour

All of us are influenced by the environment, the people around us, the society in general in one way or another. Our decisions and the decision-making process too are widely affected due to the presence of people. Social psychology studies the influence of society and its norms on the emotions, decisions and behaviour of a person. Consumer behaviour analysis is the activities related to the purchase and use of goods and services by the consumers and it also studies their emotions, preferences and attitude when it comes to buying goods and services. Consumers are emotional beings. Their choices, decisions and habits are affected by society. Purchases, many times, are made in a social context. For instance, people buy branded and luxurious items as it places them higher in the social order, people buy the stuff that is considered 'cool' to feel they belong to a certain section which has been established by social psychologists that the need to belong is one of the fundamental hum